Pinterest A Grateful Life Lived: The Introduction

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Introduction

     I've started a blog.  I guess this warrants an explanation and a Welcome! post to any potential readers.  Shall I start with this: according to the Better Life Index of 2012, the U.S ranked 12th out of 32 countries measured for happiness.  I would argue that many American's don't understand what joy is, or are thankful for the many things we have-- myself included.  However, I was thinking over this in church today, and I realized how powerful the act of gratefulness truly is.  There are so many things that I hate now, but will come to appreciate later.  That's just how God works.  At this point in my life, there is a lot changing.  What better time to open up and blog regularly about the things I'm thankful for, whether or not I "feel" like I am.  So, I have turned this into my private project for 2013.  The act of physically voicing the blessings and hardships that I am thankful for, will make me more aware of how truly blessed I am.  In the process, I hope to share a bit of my chaotically fun, yet broken, life.  While everything will be themed around gratefulness, there's a wide scope of people, travels, hardships, and changes that will be posted to these pages.  I hope to grow in my faith, become more aware of my blessings, and inspire a grateful revolution in a country so desperately needy of some joy.  


  1. Inspiring place to spend some time... ;) You're living your "grateful life" very well, and I believe that many others will be thankful for your impact in their lives.

  2. Well thank you very much mommy! And for being the first (and only one) to comment. It's pretty cool..,even if you are my mother... haha
