I wasn't sure what to expect exactly, but I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. If they fail to convince you, I'll offer one piece of advice: don't miss Shedd Aquarium!
I had some trouble getting my camera mode on the correct function-- which is why some of these are not too high quality. But I had to add this picture because I just loved the half orange fish in this tank!
This was the ever-photogenic Pufferfish. He was my favorite fish of all, and kept looking at us and "smiling" for a good two minutes. It's hard to get motion very well so up-close, but I certainly did try to capture his smiling face. It looks like he has little teeth, but it's actually a suction that he was squishing on the glass.
Here's my little Pufferfish from the side.
They had shrimp, which is my favorite food OF ALL TIME! Unfortunately, they were very alive and very safe behind their glass enclosure. It was weird to see them though. I might feel somewhat remorseful the next time I eat one...
The vivid colors of the coral reminded me of my tropical snorkeling adventures, and I was very impressed they had such variety of coral and had an entire section dedicated to the often overlooked sea creature.
Shedd's is also home to the largest crab I have ever seen! I wasn't the only one amazed either, as there was a good sized group crowded around the tank.
The aquatic show-- included in admission-- was very impressive. The audience was fully engaged by the personable Shedd staff. Most notably, the show worked in the theme of conservation and animal protection, and did so in a way that children understood. The aquarium even has a couple of rescue dogs that spend their days among the sea creatures, one of which made an adorable appearance towards the end of the show. Of course, the dolphins, seals, and beluga whales did many extraordinary tricks. Though the dolphins were the highlight of the show, there was not a single part that was a lowlight in my opinion.
This seal jumped up out of the water and came right up by the audience to do some pretty cool tricks!
Before concluding our trip to Shedd's, my mom and I stepped out on the lakeside balcony, and snapped some pictures of the stunning Chicago skyline. From there, we hopped on over to the Field Museum and then rode our bikes beyond-- and then back to, once we got directions-- the Chicago Zoo. That was only Saturday morning! I've yet to pinpoint my favorite part of the trip; that will come as I blog and reminisce. Slowly, our girls weekend will become a fond memory, and-- like I did before-- I will forget certain things about my trip to Chicago. However, I won't forget certain moments with my mom.
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