I promise, I haven't fallen off the face of the planet. I have been crazy busy and getting adjusted to life again at Butler. To spare myself the agony of writing a super long post-- and you all from having to read said post-- I'll keep it reader friendly. I realize you want to read a series of long paragraphs just as much as I want to write them... So here are some of the big updates from the past few months:
I spray painted this bookshelf! |
1. I'm in an apartment this year!
Yay! No more dorm living for this girl! I am living in a campus-housing apartment with three other girls and am majorly loving it thus far. I am also in a much better emotional state this year. Add that to the fact that I can now walk around in my slippers and make my own meals, and I am not homesick like last year. In fact, I don't think I've been homesick at all yet. There are times when I wake up and wish I had my family or want a hug from mom or dad, but there's a difference. Last year, I loved Butler but desperately wanted to be at home were it was "safe." This year, I love home but I want everyone else to be here at Butler where I am having such a great time!
2. I'm not running right now
I firmly believe that I'm imperfect. Though I can't stand that at times (
RELATED: Imperfect Progress), I do know that when I acknowledge those imperfections and flaws, it allows God to move in me and it frees me of the pressure to perform and be perfect. So, in the spirit of vulnerability, I am sharing this update. I'm not running right now because I was not at a healthy place-- physically, emotionally or spiritually. I had swept the issue of anorexia under the rug last year and coasted by, but God brought me to a place of desperation where I realized that I couldn't live like that anymore, and I decided that I
wouldn't live like that anymore. I cannot wait to share all God has been showing me, with you all, during the next few weeks. As I have opened up my heart, God has been pouring in His mercy and healing and it has been amazing to watch Him restore me. Nope. I'm nowhere near finished, but I have a greater hope than ever that God is moving. For the first time, I am truly surrendering to that and I'm not going back to the past. I'm learning to fight for myself, to surrender to God, to rest, to listen, to study His word, to breathe in His presence...it's a spiritual bootcamp! And I am so so glad that I have a God who not only hasn't abandoned me, but has declared me righteous and free. So I'm fighting for freedom like never before :)
3. I'm keeping busy!
Yay for the bottom bunk this year! |
Even without cross country on my plate, I'm still keeping super busy! I am making time and effort to be more social this year and make friends! As I have started letting my walls down, I've noticed something crazy: people actually like me! That's not to say I should look for approval from others-- already got enough problems with that-- or that everyone will like me. But I am feeling more at ease to be myself, and like who that young woman is.
Aside from shenanigans with friends, I have my first shift for work tomorrow. I've never had a legitimate job where the government takes my money, so it's pretty exciting. Basically, I got a job at the Speaker's Lab where students aid other students with speeches. I decided to only work two hours a week and the pay is minimal, but I applied before I knew I would even get paid: I'm doing it for the experience and the boost for my resume. Plus, I love to help others with speeches and it should be really fun. I'm also volunteering again at a school for blind children (
Click HERE for an awesome story from last year!) and will start that this Tuesday. I can't wait to see the kids again and interact with them. God showed me so much through my time there last year.
4. Classes
As nice as it would be to fill my time with the things listed above, I am at Butler primarily to learn, so I do have classes and homework and all that (shoutout to my homework for inspiring me to blog right now rather than get ahead for next week!).
As depressing as that sounds though, I really can't complain: I love all my classes. I am really excited because it is the first semester where the classes I am taking are all things I am genuinely interested in. The professors are very passionate and the classes are challenging, which I love when it is a subject that interests me. I'm taking:
- Spanish for Written Communication
- Promotional Writing II
- East Asian Interactions (required social studies, but very interesting)
- Electronic Journalism
- Creative Writing
Spanish is my favorite so far, although it is also one of the hardest. I thought I would love to just have summer forever, but I've found that-- for the most part-- I have been eager to get back learning.
5. Spiritual Growth
One of my favorite verses lately. We need to focus on God, not our problems or our issues! He is waiting for us to turn to Him and let Him handle it! |
As I mentioned above, God has really been working in my life. There is so much to share that I'll have to take it in chunks. But I want to encourage you all that God is always with His children. He has brought His word to life for me and is teaching me to pray with passion and courage. I am enthralled more and more every day. Though this is one of the hardest spiritual battles of my life, it is also the most rewarding because
I am seeing the layers of pain, sin and bitterness slowly peel away. It is super slow, but I've been writing every day and it is so cool to go back and see where I was just a month ago. Thank you Jesus!
That's all for now! And now that I have broken the month long silence, I promise to be popping up on your screen more often-- if you choose to read my blog, that is. I have a lot of fun stuff to share and will hopefully inspire and encourage you all in the process. Peace out and happy Saturday!